Janene Brown

Dec 3, 20186 min

The Prudent Wife

The Prudent Wife

With Christmas approaching, and all of the holiday shopping, we are reminded once again of hustle and bustle, the long lines, angry drivers, the mad dash for the latest and greatest! Why do we feel we need so much? Are we really just a society of consumers? I know this may not be the most popular blog I have written, but it is the word of God, and I felt Him gently lay it on my heart. Am I a prudent wife? Are you? What is a prudent wife?

What Is A Prudent Wife

The bible tells us in Proverbs 19:14, “House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord.” I don’t know about you, but as I read in the word what God says is good, and what I should be as a woman, I take note. I want to please the Lord, I want to be blessed, and I want my husband, and family to be blessed. Prudent in the dictionary means: 1. Careful or wise in handling practical matters; exercising good judgment or common sense: a prudent manager of money.  2. Characterized by or resulting from care or wisdom in practical matters or in planning for the future. To me I see this in Proverbs 31.

Proverbs 31

When I read Proverbs 31 I see a prudent wife. She is virtuous, her husband safely trusts her, she speaks well of and does good for him. Using her hands to take care of the home, she is good with the money she is steward of, and even works a little on the side for the extra things her family needs. Up early, she feeds, clothes, and works her land to see her home blessed. She is chaste in her attitude and gives to the poor, she makes her home a place of comfort and a safe haven. It is clean, organized, and inviting. She is dressed in the best she has and her husband is known and honored. She is strong in the Lord, prayerful, and has wisdom from the word of God. Kindness is on her tongue. She is good with her time, and her children look to her, call her blessed and her husband praiseth her. A proverbs 31 woman fears the Lord, and shall be praised! She is known by her fruit. Let’s brake down some of the basics.

The Basics

Looking at the list above can be a bit overwhelming! Some might say, “I can never measure up!” Really if we follow a few basics, we can gain in many areas and become a prudent woman and wife. 1. Running a household is all about diligence, balance, and managing time. 2. Set some things to do everyday: Pray, read the word, give, check your bank account, keep your home picked up, make a plan and look at it daily, be careful with your words, and be intentional. 3. Simplify your life, make a schedule, and try to stick to it. You may not keep it everyday, but staying organized helps to stay prudent. 4. Purge your home of unwanted items, give them away, or sell them. 5. Don’t be guilted into buying things you don’t need, don’t have the money to get, or into giving too much to your kiddos or family just because it’s Christmas.

Christmas Gifts

So once you feel like you are getting things in order, downsizing the clutter, and getting a routine, remember holidays, birthdays, and Christmas are not all about gift giving. Yes, we love to give, but a prudent wife will have a budget, and stick to it. You will look to the future, and know when bills are due, and that you have responsibilities. Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus, the joy of His coming, and the blessings of being with the ones we love. And Yes, we do love to give and receive gifts!!! But just do it in moderation. Christmas isn’t as fun if you are up to your eyeballs in debt. Give what you can, and if you are prudent, you can do it with peace and joy!


So we can either have guilt about not spending and getting enough for our loved ones, or we can feel guilty at the end of Christmas that we spent to much! I say be a prudent wife, since you are most likely the one making the lists and buying for Christmas, and skip the guilt. Guilt comes from advertising companies who are really good at saying you don’t have enough, your children need more, and how can they know you love them without spending hundreds to thousands of dollars on the ones you love. The word of God tells us to be good stewards and that doesn’t end at Christmas time. When we are good with our money, time, and future we can be unashamed!

Study The Word

When we study the word of God and obey it, we need not be ashamed. When we apply the principals in proverbs of a wise steward, we can be guilt free from the chains the world would try to throw on us. If we look to Jesus instead of culture, and society, on how to live, we can be free!! The more we know the God of the bible and His character, the more we can trust Him and live with peace. We don’t have to keep up with the Jones’s, or anyone else. We just have to follow Him to know what is best for us and He will keep us in perfect peace.


Monday: Proverbs 8:12 says, “I wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.” Wisdom and prudence go hand in hand, and to know discretion to have knowledge of all things. Praying today to be a wife full of wisdom, to be prudent, and have discretion in all things, even shopping for Christmas. To be present and intentional, especially at the holiday season.

Tuesday: Proverbs 19:14 says,  “House and riches are the inheritance of fathers: and a prudent wife is from the Lord.” We as women can become prudent, and the Lord gives this to our husbands. We want to be a blessing to our husbands and honor the Lord!

Wednesday: Proverbs 31, the whole chapter! It is full of wisdom and nuggets of truth! Praying today to be a proverbs 31 woman! Start with one attribute and pray God help you with that!

Thursday: Proverbs 14:1 says, “Every wise woman builds her house, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands.” This is one of my fundamental scriptures that I look to. I want to build not tear down, so I pray for wisdom on how to do this. I look to the word, and it gives me all the answers I need!

Friday: Psalm 37:21 says, “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously;” Pray today for self control, to be wise with your finances and not to go into debt for a gift. When you are taking care of bills, and not owing a debt it is easier to give generously.

Saturday: Proverbs 22:7 says, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” When we max out credit cards we are slaves, and that brings guilt. We may not feel it right away, but we will. Praying today to live with freedom in Christ, and to be a good steward of money He has given to us.

Sunday: 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” When we read, study and obey the word we are unashamed. Pray today to search out scriptures on finances, and keeping your home!


Our prayer for you today is that you look at this as an opportunity to change things for your future, your marriage, and your family! To become a prudent wife, or more of one! God  is so faithful! We need Him to help us to become the best wife we can be, to have order in the home, and to be a help meet to our husband!


Please feel free to contact us at janene@happilyevermarried.org, and share or read other blog posts at http://happilevermarried.org Thank you for investing in your marriage and have a happily ever married!!

#debt #finances #marriage #Christmasgifts #shopping #wife #prudent
